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Solving Connectivity Challenges Through Roaming “COW”


Solving Connectivity Challenges Through Roaming “COW”                    

Have you ever been at an event and your calls keep dropping yet your phone is okay?

When there is a large number of people using their phones in the same location, the network becomes strained due to the high demand of the network serving the area.

But thanks to the innovative prowess of telecommunications company Safaricom, the agony of connectivity challenges while in crowds, texts, and photos taking forever to go through, and videos barely streaming or uploading is no more.

Safaricom, the leading telco has made it easier with COW (Cell On Wheels), commonly known as a booster, to enhance phone workability in crowds when they are all competing for the attention of a cellular network’s antennas.

A COW is basically a mobile mast, and its associated equipment, mounted on a truck manned by a crew of three or four engineers.

“A COW gives services to all Safaricom networks including 2G,3G,4G and 5G. A tower is mounted on the track and once the tower is retracted, then there is a normal site like any other. We then determine the height we are using depending on where we are deploying it. The COW is supposed to be working 24/7 the moment it has been deployed and at any time there is a failure, then there is somebody on standby to intervene.” Explains Samuel Mwanga Safaricom PLC Telecoms Deployment Engineer.

Solving Connectivity Challenges Through Roaming “COW”

He says that setting up a COW does not only require a hoist, crane and/or cherry picker, but also the usual data links, power, and a suitable location.

The COW is usually set up to ensure that regardless of where people are, Safaricom will still be able to provide the capacity that is required.

Samuel usually leads the team that seeks to save the day during huge events by deploying, Cell on Wheels, abbreviated COW, which provides temporary or enhanced cellular coverage in the event locations, argue that there are now several huge events that are held across the country without any network hitches.

They range from national holiday celebrations to music concerts, summits, football matches, and college and university graduations.

One of the key requirements for events like these is good network coverage as people need to communicate on call, through online messaging platforms such as WhatsApp and as is the norm in the digital age, to post on their social media pages.

“We’ve deployed COWs in many areas. I’ll give you a good example with the Lewa marathon, but that doesn’t mean that Lewa doesn’t have network coverage. We just move in to increase the network capacity,” said Samuel.

During the recently held Tusker Oktobafest, Safaricom partnered with Tusker as the official connectivity partner, where Safaricom showcased the strength of their 4G and 5G network through the provision of COW network towers to power the entire festival.

And now, you need worry no more about network issues. Safaricom got your back with the COW concept.

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